- We must prepare for our uncertain future.
- Our entries attempt to embrace a culture of symbiosis between the digital world and the physical world.
- Love is weaved in between, love is all encompassing.
- To touch grass is to explore, to touch keyboard and click with mouse is to explore.
- When we meet, we will create ripples that affect timelines beyond ours.
- When the wid blows my hair it is a sign that I am Here. and I will continue to be Here.
- Network spirituality is real. Its bright light will greet you soon.
- You can play the piano if you try hard enough, and then you should never stop.
- Let’s dance under the sun, soft sounds from the speaker vibrate us. Let’s keep dancing.
- If I could reach you through the screen and hold you, I would.
- I would make new numbers for you.

- These references act as guidance, breadcrumb trails through a vast world of different ideas, all linked by Trial Error curation.
- We are interested in exploring the relationship between the digital world and the physical world, and how these two combine to make art.
- The through lines are clear to us, but may not be to you. It is irrelevant. Take whatever you would like, as much as you like, in any proportion.
- We are learning as we curate.
- To understand the physical world and the digital world alone, let alone in tandem, is a task too large for our lifetimes.
- Remilia Corporation understand much of the importance of the digital sphere and it’s possibilities within the art world. Their section of our archive serves as an introduction to many of the key concepts we wish to explore through Trial Error. We hope that making Remilia related writing easily accessible in one central hub will encourage deep reading and a furthering of the ideas posited in their work.

We are currently accepting original works, references and archival material that relate to our manifested goals and current archive.
Please email us at